Yle Teksti-TV | Sivu 840.9

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Edellinen sivu | Edellinen alasivu | Seuraava alasivu | Seuraava sivu

       Teksti-TV:n joulupikselit    .
       Artists          *
      Paul Rose (UK) mrbiffo.bsky.social
 As Graphic Designer at Teletext Ltd
 (1993-2003), Rose co-created the world-
 infamous daily video games magazine
 Digitiser, in addition to drawing
 hundreds of icons and characters
 including the Boozler family and Turner
 the Worm 6
 Nik Stohn (GER) @nikku.me @nikstohn
 @nikkuvision Media designer from Berlin
 Makes videos and animations by day and
 teletext pages by night.Started to play
 around with demo versions of commercial
 editor software in 2006, now fulfills
 his long-standing dream of having own
 actual working teletext service. When
 he’s not editing P100, Nik works on his
 own typefaces and other (retro) tech
 and design related stuff. 15
       Christmas Picture "Live" 831 >>>

Alasivut: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Edellinen sivu | Edellinen alasivu | Seuraava alasivu | Seuraava sivu

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