Yle Teksti-TV | Sivu 840.3
3/11 Teksti-TV:n joulupikselit . Artists * Pete Fagan (UK) @beeblePete Digital artist, VHS filmmaker and sysadmin of the TVARK.org television museum. Seeking to mimic teletext accu- rately for a video, Pete got schooled by the community and was soon contribu- ting actual teletext to art exhibitions and services like TEEFAX. Pete's coeditor of the TVARK teletext service SPARK. 6 Dan Farrimond (UK) @illarterate is a multimedia artist from the United King- dom. It wasn't until 1998,when he first travelled via aeroplane, that he disco- vered the country wasn't actually made up of blocky pixels as shown on the teletext weather map. Ironically, that holiday was also booked on teletext. 2,7,12,27, 4,5 Christmas Picture "Live" 831 >>>
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