Yle Teksti-TV | Sivu 840.4

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       Teksti-TV:n joulupikselit    .
       Artists          *
 Muhammad Fidyan Genial (Indonesia)
 @sontolhead An aspiring Sid Vicious-
 style bass player who resides in
 Bekasi. Used to be a live performer
 until the Coronavirus outbreak happened
 He decided to become a teletext art
 poseur when the lockdown days began.
 The Green Herring Artist/game dev/
 musician specializing in retro styles
 (incl. ANSIArt & PixelArt). 5
 Alex Grupe (GER) @losso3000
 Software guy by profession and
 demoscener by heart. Loves to tinker
 with Commodore Amiga stuff and, morey
 recently, Teletext! 23
         Christmas Calendar 832-839 >>>

Alasivut: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Edellinen sivu | Edellinen alasivu | Seuraava alasivu | Seuraava sivu

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