Yle Teksti-TV | Sivu 830.2
Valentine's Day: PixelArt from 2/2 Kerava 14.-28.2. Kerava Art School and Music Institute's joint game teaching group explored teletext art for months.The 10-14-year- olds are taught by Heidi Savilakso- Saatsi and Pasi Huttula. The group studies game creation, digital drawing, game music, and sounds. "While working, we thought of how tele- text reaches many people at different times, in groups or alone. We wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day and send greetings from Kerava! (Includes also other artistic solutions)." Creators: Fedja, Kosma,Kuisma,Emmanuel, Tomi, Eemil, Severi ja Heidi-teacher. Works on pages 831-833 www.keravankuvataidekoulu.fi
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