Yle Teksti-TV | Sivu 805.7

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Edellinen sivu | Edellinen alasivu | Seuraava alasivu | Seuraava sivu

      Museum of Teletext Art presents
      Dan Farrimond: Virtuality (2015),
      Hungry Hippos(2016),Skiing Penguin
      (2016), Space: Now With Extra Ter-
      restrials (2017), The  Golden VHS
                             Tape (2017)
 Dan Farrimond (UK) @illarterate
 is a multimedia artist from the United
 Kingdom. It wasn't until 1998,when he
 first travelled via aeroplane, that he
 discovered the country wasn't actually
 made up of blocky pixels as shown on
 the teletext weather map. Ironically,
 that holiday was also booked on
 This spring MUTA will present some
 examples of Dan's works from 2012-2024.
 New set of works the 1st of January,
 February, March and April.
      Info: www.vilkecollection.fi/muta

Alasivut: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Edellinen sivu | Edellinen alasivu | Seuraava alasivu | Seuraava sivu

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